- Air conditioner
- Car parking
- Credit cards
- Free Wifi
24-hour front desk & concierge services, 24-hour room service, 24-hour security service, 24-hour telephone operator service, Spacious Lobby with natural breeze, Air-conditioned waiting room, Souvenir Shop, Multilingual staff service (English, Chinese-Mandarin, and French), Postal and parcel service, Same-day laundry service, Wheelchair access, Airport transfer service (Free), Medical service, Elevators, Shoe shine service, Money exchange service, Tour desk for travel service arrangement, Multiple oil massage rooms, foot massage, Steam room, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Beauty Salon, Wireless internet in public areas and in guest rooms, Business center and library room, Steam room, swimming pool, Chenla Coffee House Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Coffee Terrace, Sunkist Pool side bar, Poolside Courtyard, Lobby Lounge, Meeting Room, Grand Ballroom, Multiple Karaoke rooms, Discotheque and gymnasium, Luggage storage area, Shuttle service to town every evening (Free), Complimentary car parking facilities with valet service, Secretarial services.